Wedding Parties They are so boring! Everything just the same: the same food, the same customs, the same music, and the same elaborate overdone make-up. It is like watching ... CONTINUE READING...
Acquit vs Absolve Both 'acquit' and 'absolve' mean to free someone from some accusation. But 'acquit' is a legal term, whereas 'absolve' is used in other contexts such as soc... CONTINUE READING...
अंग्रेज़ी-प्रेमी मम्मियाँ भारतीयों में, विशेषकर नई नवेली मम्मियों में, अंग्रेज़ी की दीवानगी ग़ज़ब है. उनके बच्चे "आँ", "ऊँ" करना शुरू किए नहीं कि उनके मुँह में "A for apple, B for boy".... CONTINUE READING...
द कश्मीर फाइल्स इन दिनों एक फिल्म बड़ी चर्चा में है "द कश्मीर फाइल्स". फिल्म एक हिस्से में बताया गया है कि हिंदुओं के कई ग्रंथों की रचना कश्मीर में हुई, लेकिन पाकिस्तानिय... CONTINUE READING...
Since Vs For How often are you confused about using since and for in perfect tenses? For example, fill in the blank in the following sentence: He has been rea... CONTINUE READING...
Bollywood Is Doomed The first sign of doom became visible to me around a decade ago when Hindi movie channels began to show South Indian films. Now Bollywood... CONTINUE READING...
Saving the World Movies Hollywood makes too many films on saving the world, but too few on saving oneself through self-discovery like "Dead Poets Society" or "Good Will Hunting".... CONTINUE READING...
कॉमिक्स आज 41 कॉमिक्स की पहली खेप मिली, डोगा और नागराज की. आज से 30 साल पुराना जीवन याद आया जब इन कॉमिक्स को पढ़ने के लिए कितना उत्साह हुआ करता था. CONTINUE READING...
Wedding Parties They are so boring! Everything just the same: the same food, the same customs, the same music, and the same elaborate overdone make-up. It is like watching ... CONTINUE READING...
Acquit vs Absolve Both 'acquit' and 'absolve' mean to free someone from some accusation. But 'acquit' is a legal term, whereas 'absolve' is used in other contexts such as soc... CONTINUE READING...